Featured works
Hello, my name is Natalia Sergeeva. I am a UX/UI designer with 2 years of experience and tech background. Also I do UX research, here are some examples.
User research, wireframes, design, mobile app
Design concept of subscription service for parents. It's about delivering children library books based on child's interests and age. The aim is to instill love to reading and save parents' time, money and home space.
Fitness Classes
User research, wireframes, redesign
Redesign of web system for booking fitness classes. Effortless bookings for everyone: regular users and new visitors.
The Journey
User research, docs, IA, wireframes, visual design
Concept of lightweight CRM system designed for health specialists at the Child Development Centre. It streamlines processes and facilitates knowledge transfer between specialists.
UX audit, UI design, mobile and web
Dental insurance service redesign for mobile and web versions. Updated interface has become more user-friendly, modern, and consistent.
Contact me
Jump here if you want to know a bit more about me.
If you think we would be a great fit, don’t hesitate to contact me on nataliasergeevaux@gmail.com