The Journey

The Journey is a concept of a lightweight CRM system designed for health specialists at the Child Development Centre. It streamlines treatment plan tracking, ensures smooth onboarding for new staff, and facilitates knowledge transfer between specialists.

User research

I conducted qualitative research using remote observation and interviews to identify the pain points and challenges that specialists faced during the existing manual record-keeping process.

User quotes

  • “Assessment reports take up too much of my time”

  • “Writing emails with instructions for parents requires a lot of focus”

  • “I often forget to monitor the exercises’ progress”

  • “It’s a hassle to find and analyse past data”

  • “I don’t get enough feedback from my peers”

  • “It’s hard to review my teammate’s work without knowing their context”

The Journey

The Journey is a concept of a lightweight CRM system designed for health specialists at the Child Development Centre. It streamlines treatment plan tracking, ensures smooth onboarding for new staff, and facilitates knowledge transfer between specialists.

User research

I conducted qualitative research using remote observation and interviews to identify the pain points and challenges that specialists faced during the existing manual record-keeping process.

User quotes

  • “Assessment reports take up too much of my time”

  • “Writing emails with instructions for parents requires a lot of focus”

  • “I often forget to monitor the exercises’ progress”

  • “It’s a hassle to find and analyse past data”

  • “I don’t get enough feedback from my peers”

  • “It’s hard to review my teammate’s work without knowing their context”

The Journey

The Journey is a concept of a lightweight CRM system designed for health specialists at the Child Development Centre. It streamlines treatment plan tracking, ensures smooth onboarding for new staff, and facilitates knowledge transfer between specialists.

User research

I conducted qualitative research using remote observation and interviews to identify the pain points and challenges that specialists faced during the existing manual record-keeping process.

User quotes

  • “Assessment reports take up too much of my time”

  • “Writing emails with instructions for parents requires a lot of focus”

  • “I often forget to monitor the exercises’ progress”

  • “It’s a hassle to find and analyse past data”

  • “I don’t get enough feedback from my peers”

  • “It’s hard to review my teammate’s work without knowing their context”

Research findings. Routine tasks (like tracking progress, writing instructions and filling out assessment forms) take too long.
The review process is inefficient and doesn't scale to a larger team.

Automation and new healthcare workflow

With new CRM the healthcare workflow will look like this: the specialist creates a child’s health profile, the system suggests treatment plans based on existing knowledge base, sends treatment plans with instructions to parents, generates reports and helps with tracking.

Screens and features

01 Assessment screen

  • Specialists will have one simple page to fill out instead of different distributed paper forms and notes.

  • Reviewers will have a page to glance over the overall child’s conditions.

  • Specialists will be able to easily recall the overall child’s conditions.

Before having the new system specialists used Excel spreadsheets for every child, printed-out lists, notes, and weekly paper calendars to track exercise progress.


Prioritise problems

After the assessment, choose which problems to focus on and which blocks to include in the Management plan.

02 Management plan


Automatic suggestions

Showing the most effective exercises for a specific problem leads to:

  • More effective work

  • Fewer mistakes and less fatigue

  • Assistance in educating novice specialists

03 Tracking progress screens

  • Specialists will be able to easily add weekly progress.

  • Specialists will be able to effectively navigate through their notes and video observations.


In 2 months, I have created design for core screens, with thoughtful navigation, scalable structure and user-friendly interfaces. During usability testing sessions specialists were excited about using the new system.

The key factors for a successful start were: the prioritization of requirements, the iterative design process, collaboration with the developers and close contact with the owner.

Next steps

The project is still ongoing and there are many features and improvements that I would like to work on next. Most important:

  • Knowledge base subsystem

  • Online review subsystem

I learned a lot from this project and I’m looking forward to seeing it grow and evolve. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with such a passionate and dedicated people.

The expected business outcomes

  • Increased overall efficiency

  • Reduced costs for training new staff

  • Established streamlined processes

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© 2024 Natalia Sergeeva