Library Spell app

Library Spell app

Library Spell app

What if parents knew a magic spell that would instill the joy of reading to their children? Library Spell service regularly delivers personalised and exciting Book Sets from local libraries and organises no hassle book return.

View Figma file


  • Service ideation

  • UX Research (user interviews)

  • Docs, flowmaps and wireframes

  • Design concept

  • Visual design of all screens in Figma

Findings from User interviews

  • Parents don’t have time or possibility to go to the local library, choose books regularly and return them.

  • Parents don’t know how to choose appropriate books and don’t know reading level of their child.

  • Parents feel guilty that they can’t instill love to reading to their child.

  • Parents don’t remember when they need to return books, how to renew them and afraid of penalties.


Regular delivery and collection
of finished books

Parents easily see what is the current status of the Book Set.

Personalised Book Sets

Customised and personalised Book Sets ensures that each book resonates with young Readers.

Sibling profiles

Parents can easily add siblings to their family account. If a profile is no longer needed, simply delete it, and the plan will automatically adjust based on the number of children.

Skip delivery and get credit

Whether it’s a busy week, a family vacation, or simply a need for a breather, parents can skip book deliveries. The best part? Skipping a delivery earns a credit for future sets. It’s like saving a literary treasure for later!

From design to development

To ensure easy maintenance and scalability, I used components and variables in Figma. View Figma file

Wireframes example

Onboarding and initial account setup: starting from fun things like “Add interests” and finishing with routing tasks like “Create account”.


Library Spell is a user-friendly product that seamlessly integrates into parents’ lives. Key highlights include:

Tailored Book Sets. The app’s standout feature is its ability to create customized book sets. Parents can customise selections based on their child’s age, interests, reading level, and desired therapeutic effect.

Effortless book returns. Gone are the days of overdue library books! With Library Spell, parents can return finished books while receiving book sets or by arranging a courier collection.

Flexible usage and flexible delivery. Library Spell recognizes that every parent’s routine is unique. Some may prefer active involvement, while others opt for a more hands-off approach. Parents can also skip deliveries.

In the end, Library Spell isn’t just about delivering books - it’s about nurturing a lifelong passion for reading.

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© 2024 Natalia Sergeeva